Upholstery Bureau Gift Voucher
A great gift idea can be an Upholstery Bureau Gift Voucher. Once purchased, it can be redeemed against any Upholstery Bureau Course and is valid for 12 months.
You can add one, two or three or however many you would like to the basket in multiples of £100
And if you wish to give a voucher as a gift in any other denomination, or indeed purchase a course for someone, just email saramac@upholsterybureau.com and an e-voucher can be arranged.
Once you’ve added a gift voucher to the basket, you will need to provide the name and email address of the person you are gifting in the Additional Information section. You may also include a personal greeting or note.
Then pay through the usual pay portal and you will automatically be sent a confirmation of your order. Once your payment has been received, we will send them a cheery little e-voucher along with a message that it is from you, and include your personal greeting or note, all within 48 hours.
If you prefer, the cheery little e-voucher can be emailed direct to you to print off – so that you can give it to them personally.
Whatever suits you – just let us know. We’re trying to cover everything – !